Английский язык разговорный.Управление персоналом.4курс
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Дата публикации: 06.10.2022

Английский язык разговорный.Управление персоналом.4курс


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Ответы на тест ДВФУ(бывший ДВГУ) программа тестиования Дидактор
Английский язык разговорный. Управление персоналом. 4 курс. Макарцева Е.В.
0453.00 Разговорный английский язык. 4 курс. Соц. менеджмент. Макарцева Е.В.
Полный список вопросов тут http://kiltest.net/sp/dvgu/0453.00_Razgovornyiy_angliiyskiiy_iazyk._4_kurs._Soc._menedjment._Makarceva_E.V.(English_business-4.dat).html

"In due course" is an informal expression, isn´t it?
Are decisions carried out quickly in Japan?
Are decisions carried out quickly in the USA?
Are decisions taken very quickly in Japan?
Are decisions taken very quickly in the United States?
Are lower-level American workers often involved in decision making?
Are lower-level Japanese workers often involved in decision making?
Are management-emloyee relations considered to be work relations?
Are management-employee relations always straight forward?
Are relationships with fellow employees considered to be work relations?
Can a candidate make his CV short and simple?
Can a reprimand be held in public?
Can an employee be dismissed at the end of a probationary period?
Can an interview be panel?
Can company pension scheme be considered a perk?
Can you give any examples of misbehaviour at work?
Can you slurp when eating soup in a restaurant in Japan?
Can you slurp when eating soup in an American restaurant?
Can you use Mr or Mrs before your name when introducing yourself on the phone?
Could Personnel Managers change employee´s behaviour when it doesn´t meet their requirements?
Could you decipher CIM strategy?
Could you decipher the abbreviation FTAO?
Could you use another person´s phone for a long distance call?
Could you use someone else´s phone?
Do condidates enclose any other papers with a CV?
Do conventions applying to job interviews differ greatly in different countries?
Do different conventions apply to the process of job application in different countries?
Do employees and employers settle problems face-to-face in a large company?
Do employees and employers settle problems face-to-face in a small business?
Do fashoins change in interview techniques?
Do formal or informal parties take place in the home?
Do many American workers regard their company as part of their personal life?
Do many Japanese workers regard their company as part of their personal life?
Do trade unions play an important role in your country?
Do you happen to know what a jet lag means?
Do you know how such course manuals can be treated?
Do you think a helpful disciplinary session should be a lecture or a discussion?
Do you think that manufacturing managers face any challenges nowadays?
Do you think there are many companies that can afford to build a CIM factory from the ground up?
Do you think there are people who could be interested in confidental information?
Do you think too much small talk will spoil the disciplinary session?
Does a CV contain the changing or the unchanging information about an applycant?
Does an average American worker have clear access to management?
Does an average Japanese worker have access to management?
Does any entertaining in the USA take place in home?
Filling in an application form is easy because it is standard, isn´t it?
Have you ever interviewed people or been interviewed?
Have you ever suffered from jet lag?
Have you ever taken an intensive course in any subject?
Have you ever taken any courses in your life?
How are decisions usually made and implemented in Japan?
How are decisions usually made and implemented in the USA?
How are telex messages sent?
How can a waiter know that you have finished your dish?
How can you cut short the informal information?
How could the atmosphere of interview vary?
How do many Americans regard their company?

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